I have badly neglected this blog, that much I know.
Most of the things I'm making these days are for orders, and repeats of hats you've probably already seen here. And anything else? Well, I always forget to post it. Also, I don't know why, but I can never get posts to flow right when I'm posting about stuff I make, so they sound weird and I don't like to do them.
So I'm gonna make some changes here on For His Glory Handiwork.
In the past I've occasionally shared a few patterns. Now, that's about all I'll be sharing!
Lots and lots of free patterns coming soon to you my lovely crocheting friends. Free patterns are about all I use, and all I want to offer to you!
I'll be adding them to Ravelry, and have an easy way to view them here on the blog. I'll also have things up like what abbreviations stand for, and helpful links to size charts and things.
I'll be sharing some other things too like links to some of my favorite patterns, and other crafting related stuff, but mostly new patterns.
Along with this change, the blog will look a little different soon! :)
Also, if you don't have a good way to follow along and get new updates for posts and patterns here, I will be making a facebook page soon too, so watch for that.
Looking forward to the changes the future will bring here! Thanks for following along!
P.S. Two of the things I used to post about here are Block Party Updates, which can now be found HERE. And updates about my business, Handiwork for Orphans, which can now be found HERE.
Most of the things I'm making these days are for orders, and repeats of hats you've probably already seen here. And anything else? Well, I always forget to post it. Also, I don't know why, but I can never get posts to flow right when I'm posting about stuff I make, so they sound weird and I don't like to do them.
So I'm gonna make some changes here on For His Glory Handiwork.
In the past I've occasionally shared a few patterns. Now, that's about all I'll be sharing!
Lots and lots of free patterns coming soon to you my lovely crocheting friends. Free patterns are about all I use, and all I want to offer to you!
I'll be adding them to Ravelry, and have an easy way to view them here on the blog. I'll also have things up like what abbreviations stand for, and helpful links to size charts and things.
I'll be sharing some other things too like links to some of my favorite patterns, and other crafting related stuff, but mostly new patterns.
Along with this change, the blog will look a little different soon! :)
Also, if you don't have a good way to follow along and get new updates for posts and patterns here, I will be making a facebook page soon too, so watch for that.
Looking forward to the changes the future will bring here! Thanks for following along!
P.S. Two of the things I used to post about here are Block Party Updates, which can now be found HERE. And updates about my business, Handiwork for Orphans, which can now be found HERE.