Monday, April 5, 2010

Block Party Report #3

This past Saturday (Block Party Round 2) went really well! We had 3 s come, and we got almost 2 blankets done. That is a lot more than we got done last Saturday considering that this Saturday, we had less than 1/2 as many people, and we had an hour less this morning. However we spent a lot more time laying out the blocks and than we did this time. I had a lot of fun visiting with my friends, and it sounded like they had fun too!

Mrs. G holding Rachel

All four of us working on one of the blankets (and little Rachel in the background)

Part of the blanket we were working on
"Big" Rebekah G and Cortnie G work on their rows (and little Rachel in the background)
Mom working on the blanket with little Rachel on her lap

(Big) Rachel G and I working on our rows
(I do not like this picture of my myself - I look frustrated, don't I?)

"Big" Rachel working on her row. We call her "big" Rachel because my little sister is also Rachel, and this Rachel is bigger than my little sister. :-) There is also "big" Rebekah (picture of her above, and she is big Rachel's sister) and little Rebekah, my sister.
Thank you s for all your help! We got a lot done! And I had fun visiting with you!
I have been asked if we are going to do another one next Saturday. The answer is no, because my mom and I have been working the last few days on getting the rest of the blankets sewn up. We are almost done, we are just finishing up the scarves that we are making with the extra squares that weren't enough to make a blanket with. I will post more pictures of the finished blankets soon!


  1. I like how you said I am just a little bigger than your sister Rachel. :-) Yeah, I'm only about 13 years older than her. ;-)

  2. Are you really that much older? I thought you were only 3 years older! Haha! ;-) Have fun this week!
