Friday, April 16, 2010

Block Party Report #4

I can't believe has been over a week already since I last posted. This report is going to be pictures of the finished blankets. We are all done with the blankets!!! It took quite awhile but it is well worth it. Thanks again to every one who helped!

Here are all the blankets
I have no idea why this one is sideways. It wasn't like that before I loaded it into blogger. You just have to turn your head to the side to see it the right way. :-)

Here is one of the blankets we made. If I remember right, we made this one at the second Block Party.

Here is one we put together at the first Block Party.

Another one we put together at the first Block Party.

Another one we put together at the first Block Party.

One we put together at the second Block Party.

Here is one we laid out at the first Block Party, but we never finished putting it together, so my mom and I finished it.

Here is the one that my mom and I put together before the first Block Party.

This is a really bad picture of the last blanket. I don't know why this one is sideways either. It is also blurry and stretched. I'll try and take a better one for my next report. Anyways, this is the last one we put together. It is 5 by 7 squares instead of the 6 by 6 squares that all of the rest were. If you turn your head and look at it the right way, it looks like a cross. This is my favorite blanket. Note: the red block at the foot of the cross is one my dad made.
We are packing the things up next weekend, so remember there is till time to get things to me to send over to Ukraine. Thank you again to every one who helped make these wonderful blankets!!!

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